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PDFX Reference

With Email.Method 4, a log file is automatically created to help you monitor whether emails are successfully sent. By default, the log file is OPR:SMTP.LOG but you may override that by specifying:


The filespec may be in AMOS or native format, or may be "" to disable the log file. The log file format is similar to the following:

09-Sep-08 11:42:54 [JACKT42:02,joaquin]<PRINT> Subj: Test new Email Receipt [OK]

   ID: XYZ123

   To: Ty Griffin <>, Joaquin <>



09-Sep-08 17:00:00 [JACKT42:02,joaquin]<PRINT> Subj: Test via Yahoo [!Err: -2]

   ID: XYZ124



Beginning with  build 1124 of 10 Sept 08, the PDFX log files now looks like this:

11-Sep-08 10:54:01 ID: XAB989, Subj: Test new Email Type 4 [OK]

To: Jack McGregor <>, Joaquin <>



SID: JACKT42:02, joaquin, PRINT


The status is always contained in brackets at the end of the top line, and will be either "[OK]" or "[!Err: ##]". The top line also contains the ID (if defined via Email.ID) and the Subject line, simplifying efforts to verify that a particular message was successfully sent. The machine identification, user name, and program name have been moved to the bottom line with the tag "SID:" (Session ID).


PDFXv3, v5, v9, but supported only for Email.Method (or Email.Type) values 4-6.

Requires A-Shell build 1124 or higher.