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A-Shell Reference

Rewritten May 2023

DEL <spec> {switches}

DEL deletes a module from user memory. Modules are loaded into memory either explicitly by the LOAD command (which see for more details about user memory), or implicitly, as the result of running a program.



specifies the name.ext of the module. Note that modules loaded into user memory do not have device or PPN attributes. The wildcard * may be used for either the name or extension; a single * by itself is equivalent to *.*


/unlock or /force

clears the lock flag (set by the LOAD /lock switch), allowing the module to be deleted






PCTDVG.IFX           652    P

CSV2XL.SBX        117894    P

RUNSBX.SBX           120    P

COPY.LIT           31932    LP

Free             4290755










In the above example, we used LOAD to load three modules, one of them with the /LOCK option, and then displayed them with the MAP command. The PCVTDV.IFX module was already in memory. The DEL * command deleted all but the locked module, while the second DEL command with the /UNLOCK switch deleted it.

See Also:

LOAD: load modules into memory
MAP: display memory modules and memory available
MEMORY.LIT: change memory size
MX_USRDEL: delete memory modules from with application