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A-Shell Reference

LOAD <fspec> {switches}

LOAD <common-module-name> /c

The LOAD command loads a module into "user memory". See MEMORY for an explanation of the concept.





Locks the module in memory so that it cannot be deleted, except by specifying the /UNLOCK switch on the DEL command.


Unlock is needed in order to reload (update in memory) a module that was previously locked with the /LOCK switch.


Indicates that the specified module name is not a disk file to be loaded into user memory, but the name of a COMMON module, which is to be initialized. This distinction is necessary since COMMON modules continue to be implemented via internal memory buffers within A-Shell rather than via user memory.


Writes switch listing and usage info to the screen.



The maximum number of modules which can be loaded into user memory per job is 96.

See Also:

DEL: deletes modules from memory
MAP: display memory modules and memory available
MEMORY (system command): change memory size
MEMORY (system parameter): set memory size at system start up
MX_USRLOD: load memory modules from within program